Uudised / News

Ida-Virumaa NDS 05.08-06.08.2017

*Anvi High Line Elegand Doll* 2xBOB baby BEST IN SHOW BABY IV Breed judge Petru Muntean (Romania), BIS baby judge Olga Dolejšova (Czech Republic) *Absolutely Spotless Xenon* BOB Junior Breed judge Olga Dolejšova (Czech Republic)...

Luige NDS 18.06.2017

“Elvis” Absolutely Spotless Xenon BOB JUNIOR BOB BEST IN GROUP IV shortlisted in junior BIS Breed and group judge Branislav Rajic, Slovenia  ...

Vanamõisa NDS 10.06.2017

“Elvis” Absolutely Spotless Xenon ?BEST IN SHOW JUNIOR? ?BEST IN SHOW II? Only 11 months old, can’t wait to see how he develops? Breed and BIS junior judge Moa Persson (Sweden) Group and BIS judge Knut Sigurd Wilberg (United Kingdom)  ...

Our new family member

Welcome home Elly ♥ Anvi High Line Elegant Doll DOB 21.03.2017 SUGUPUU/PEDIGREE...

Welcome home Elvis

Absolutely Spotless Xenon DOB 01.07.2016 Sugupuu/pedigree...

Luige NDS 03.09.2016

“Cooper ” Love Legacy Perfect Hope BOB BEST IN GROUP II Breed and group judge Natalia Sedykh (Russia)...

Haapsalu NDS 27.08-28.08.2016

28.08 Haapsalu NDS Love Legacy Perfect Hope BOB and BEST IN GROUP II Breed and group judge Slobodan Miloshevski (Macedonia) 27.08 Haapsalu NDS Love Legacy Perfect Hope BOS judged by Attila Czeglédi (Hungary)...

Ülenurme NDS 13.08.2016

Love Legacy Longlasting Laugh BOB BEST IN GROUP Breed and group judge Hassi Assenmacher-Feyel (Germany)...